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Full Version: Now We Accept LR - Liberty Reserve Payments
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Now we accept Liberty Reserve Payments Tongue and later I will add more payment processors, for eg: 2CO, Google checkout, MB,etc...

(12-28-2010, 05:24 AM)lanc Wrote: [ -> ]Hello there, Dew Lance. I am so glad to see that you guys now accept liberty reserve payments. I was actually wondering why there wasn’t much of a shot for liberty reserve payments from your side. I am glad that you do now and hoping to see more processors come on their way here!

Thanks for your reply, I will try to add more Money Processor like Moneybookers and Google Checkout.


dear dewlance when are you going to launch the other payment proccesors ?
(01-04-2011, 12:38 PM)ceciliaerickson Wrote: [ -> ]dear dewlance when are you going to launch the other payment proccesors ?


Maybe this will take more then one moth.